Dortmund: Verlag Kettler, 2015
Condition: New, Signed, 12x21cm, 148pages, Hardcover
During his studies, Hajime Kimura came across a book in the university library on ancient Japanese tribal cultures in mountain landscapes. Fascinated by this original lifestyle, he decided to portray the Matagi culture with his camera. That is a clan that lived in the northern forests of Japan largely with no money until the 1960s and had taken jobs primarily as hunters in the winter months. Aware that this tradition was in danger of being forgotten, Kimura joined this tribe and lived among them between 2007 and 2011. A photo book on the subject, published in Japan under the title KODAMA, received the first prize of the IPA Asia Award in Singapore in 2013. Now Kimura has arranged the material as a scrapbook and enriched the photos of snow-covered landscapes, bears being hunted and the Matagi in their barren home with short notes and illustrations. The Scrap Book of Hajime Kimura was awarded the Dummy Award at the Kassel Photobook Festival in 2014.